10 Essential PrinXibles

Transforming Schools Since 1984

Organize and run a school using the essential Building Blocks that originated in 1984 at Conway High School. Developed and proven by Dr. Larry Biddle, PhD and his stakeholders, these proven prinXiples are used to recognize and celebrate achievement and provide the improvement of students and staffulty.

The Building Blocks of the 10 Essential PrinXibles are simple and explicit principles for the business of teaching and learning. Viewing a school community through these blocks is how entire school communities have enhanced the teaching and learning for over 30 years!

The Essential Building Blocks

Excellence for All Stakeholders

Excellence for All Stakeholders

Promoting standards of excellence in achievement and improvement for all participants, not just the top few.

Guarantee Right to Teach, Right to Learn

Guarantee - Right to Teach, Right to Learn

Ensuring that all teachers have the right to teach and students the right to learn by focusing on classroom discipline, talents, attitudes, skills, knowledge, and style.

Accountability - Standards, Benchmarks, Curriculum

Responsible tracking of engagement and progress to show academic improvement in attendance, behavior, grades, and other educational benchmarks.

Images Traditions Extra Curricular Athletic Academic

Images - Traditions, Extra-Curricular, Athletic, Academic

Showcasing traditions, extra curricular activities, athletics, and academics.

VTW Honor Cards Incentives Academic Apparel

VTW - Honor Cards, Incentives, Academic, Apparel

Incorporating recognition that is “visible, tangible and walk-aroundable” that reaches far beyond certificates and plaques.

Celebrations Rituals and Ceremonies

Celebrations, Rituals and Ceremonies

Designing events that recognize students and staffulty achievements with creativity, enthusiasm and tradition.

Edification Staffulty Students Parents Community

Edification - Staffulty, Students, Parents, Community

Identifying and providing meaningful resources to build all stakeholders.

Character Leadership Class

Character - Leadership Class

Educating students in the school community to understand, care about, and act on the 10 Essential PrinXibles, as well as other core values for self and others.

Partnerships Alumni Convocations


Expanding the network of untapped resources by securing business + community commitments, establishing a 501(c)(3) Educational Foundation and networking with other schools.

Eagleship Authentic Layored Ongoing

Eagleship - Authentic Layored Ongoing

Identifying and providing meaningful resources to build transformational leaders in all levels.